Business & Human Rights

  • European Insurance Monitor Joins “Sustainability” Forum

    August 15, 2018

    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, which provides integrated European supervision of insurance and pensions, has joined the Sustainable Insurance Forum, a network of insurance supervisors and regulators committed to increase scrutiny of the risks posed by climate change to the insurance sector.

  • UNFCCC Pushes Fashion Industry to Adopt Climate Goals

    August 08, 2018

    The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) explains how it is pressuring the global fashion industry to contribute to the fulfillment of the UN’s comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in line with the UN’s Paris climate deal.

  • English Soccer Club Joins UN “Climate Neutral” Initiative

    August 08, 2018

    The English soccer club Forest Green Rovers has become the first soccer club to sign up to the UN’s Climate Neutral Now initiative seeking commitments from global businesses and organizations to reduce and offset their greenhouse gas emissions to fulfill the UN’s Paris climate agreement.

  • UN Agency Seeks to Use AI Initiative to Fulfill SDGs

    August 08, 2018

    The UN Development Programme has announced that it will join the Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (AI), a business and NGO-based initiative that is developing standards for the “safe, ethical, and transparent” development of AI, as the UN agency seeks to “test and scale” the use of AI to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • NGO Criticizes American Tech’s China Engagement

    August 08, 2018

    Human Rights Watch has called for activist and shareholder pressure on Google and Facebook as the global tech giants develop plans to comply with Chinese demands for networks the government can easily monitor and censor in the country, including Google’s plans to launch a censored version of its search engine as an app on its Android operating system.

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