Business & Human Rights

  • Academic: Binding Treaty Draft Strikes Balance on BHR Obligations

    August 08, 2018

    Professor Doug Cassel of the University of Notre Dame School of Law writes that an intergovernmental working group draft of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) “zeroes in on what victims need most” by committing countries to requiring BHR due diligence while “avoiding the imposition of unreasonable obligations on business.”

  • Academic Seeks Clarity on Parent Company Liability for Rights Abuse

    August 08, 2018

    Dalia Palombo of the London School of Economics Department of Law writes that courts considering the liability of parent corporations for the alleged human rights abuses of their subsidiaries in foreign countries should develop clear and consistent jurisprudence, as lack of clarity on the issue has been “detrimental to both victims and companies.”

  • BDS Movement Touts Withdrawal of Adidas from Israel Football Clubs

    August 08, 2018

    The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, a major driver of the “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” (BDS) movement against Israel, is celebrating Adidas’s decision to halt its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA) after it came under pressure from activist organizations due to the IFA’s operation of clubs in Israeli settlements.

  • Australian Commission Launches Study of AI Rights Impacts

    August 06, 2018

    Neena Bhandari reports that the Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a project scrutinizing the future impacts of artificial-intelligence (AI) technologies on a broad range of rights and discussing what mechanisms countries should put in place to ensure “we always have tech for social good.”

  • UN Agent Criticizes Industrialization of Bangladeshi Forest

    August 06, 2018

    UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment John Knox has warned that Bangladesh is permitting companies to threaten the environmental rights of its citizens in the Sundarbans mangrove forest through “heedless industrialization” without engaging in environmental impact assessments.

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