Business & Human Rights

  • Academic: Finance Industry Must Develop "Social Conscience"

    June 28, 2018

    Professor David Kinley of Sydney University asserts that finance companies bear a responsibility to "find a social conscience" and remove their investments from companies that do not embed the global human rights agenda in their operations and thus fail to operate with a so-called "social license."

  • NGO Calls for Disclosure of Extractives Deals

    June 28, 2018

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has called for all extractives companies to commit to publish the terms of their oil, gas, and mining contracts with governments to expose potentially corrupt deals and provide fodder for civil society criticism that these companies are not doing enough to fund economic and social rights in the countries in which they operate.

  • Oxfam Critiques Global Climate Finance Efforts

    June 28, 2018

    The activist organization Oxfam has issued a "Climate Finance Shadow Report" warning that the billions in global finance for activities aimed at countering and adapting to climate change is insufficient and should be shifted in form from loans to grants.

  • UK Seeks Data from Territories on Corporate Ownership

    June 28, 2018

    Liz Heron writes that the UK government has ordered overseas territories to publish registers of the beneficial ownership of companies within their borders before the end of 2020 to prevent corporate and individual tax avoidance.

  • US Court Rejects City-Backed Climate Lawsuit

    June 27, 2018

    The New York Times reports that a federal US court has dismissed a lawsuit launched by San Francisco and Oakland seeking to force major energy companies to help them pay for costs caused by global warming, finding the legislative and executive branches the best-placed to deal with the inherently political issue of climate change.

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