Business & Human Rights

  • Study: Cite Health Risks in Climate Litigation

    June 27, 2018

    Researchers have released a study indicating that litigants' citation of public health risks in lawsuits seeking action by governments and corporations to counter global warming served as a significant factor in court decisions that adopted their climate policy recommendations.

  • Paper Calls for EU-Driven AI Ethics Standards

    June 27, 2018

    EUobserver reports that the European Commission (EC) recently released a strategy paper calling for the EU to be at the forefront of developing ethical standards applicable to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies based on "EU values" and fundamental rights.

  • NGOs Criticize Investments by UN Pension Fund

    June 26, 2018

    An investigation by The Guardian has prompted human rights and environmental activists to criticize managers of the UN's staff pension fund for investing in companies, ranging from energy company Shell to banks HSBC and Barclays, they say are involved in activities that are "incompatible with core UN principles and programmes" such as corruption and pollution.

  • Wells Fargo Plans $200 Billion for "Sustainability"

    June 26, 2018

    Wells Fargo has announced that, as part of the UN's plans for worldwide investments into climate-friendly projects, the US multinational bank will invest $200 billion in "climate action and sustainability" by the year 2030 and regularly report on its progress in compliance with standards issued by the global Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure.

  • FIFA Pledges to Offset World Cup Carbon Emissions

    June 26, 2018

    The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) recently announced that it would work with UN bodies to fund projects aiming to offset the greenhouse gas emissions created by travel of attendees to this year's World Cup, in an effort to help fulfill the goals of the 2015 UN Paris climate deal.

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