Business & Human Rights

  • Facebook Offers Users Opt-outs to Comply with GDPR

    June 05, 2018

    NPR reports that the social media giant Facebook is planning to offer opt-outs for users permitting them to avoid features that could expose their personal data in a move toward compliance with the EU's globally applicable General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  • UN Report: Financial System Is Dogged by "Short-Termism"

    June 05, 2018

    A UN report examining development financing warns that the financial institutions are still afflicted with "short-termism" in their investments and are failing to take into account the long-term needs of society by channeling funding into the UN's "sustainable development" agenda and in reducing the risks of global warming.

  • UN Report Reviews Response to "Sustainable Finance" Agenda

    June 05, 2018

    The final report of UN Environment's "Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System" examines how financial institutions and regulatory bodies are responding to pressure from governments, activists, and international organizations by reforming their structures to divert "desperately needed" funding toward the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • UN Agency Hosts City Leaders for "Sustainable" Finance Meeting

    June 04, 2018

    In April, UN Environment convened leaders from a global network of 18 financial centers across the globe - not including New York - at a meeting in Milan to explore how best to channel capital flows into vehicles aimed at "accelerating green and sustainable finance."

  • World Bank Issues Hong Kong "Green Bond"

    June 04, 2018

    The World Bank recently issued its inaugural "green bond" denominated in Hong Kong dollars, as part of its project resulting in 135 green bonds in 19 currencies, to help feed investors' "desire to connect their investments to development solutions that address climate change and make a difference for people around the globe."

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