Business & Human Rights

  • UK Peers Seek Broad AI Regulation

    May 24, 2018

    The Guardian reports that the UK House of Lords select committee on artificial intelligence (AI) has issued a report warning that the alleged misuse of Facebook data by the firm Cambridge Analytica shows the need for Britain to become a leader in regulation promoting a set of broad goals on the ethical use of AI technology.

  • Turkish Unions Embrace Global "Living Wage" Initiative

    May 24, 2018

    A group of unions in the Turkish textile, garment, and leather sector has endorsed the "Action, Collaboration, Transformation" (ACT) initiative backed by the global union federation IndustriAll as a way through which they plan to promote the payment of a "living wage" to workers in their fields.

  • Oxfam: Corporate Lobbying for Lower Taxes Fuels Poverty

    May 24, 2018

    The activist organization Oxfam has warned that the lobbying US companies perform at the federal level in favor of lowering corporate tax rates undercuts the rhetoric of these businesses on such social and environmental issues as climate change, diversity, and immigration and "fuels the scourge of poverty and inequality in the US and abroad."

  • EC Proposes Tighter Regulation of Food Supply Chain

    May 24, 2018

    The European Commission (EC) has issued a proposal requiring EU member states to set up regulators to prohibit a variety of "unfair trade practices" by companies in the food supply chain, targeting actions by retailers and others that the EC asserts have harmed European farmers and small businesses by decreasing their bargaining power and lowering their prices.

  • OECD-ILO Report Calls for Stronger Labor Movement

    May 23, 2018

    As part of their partnership promoting "decent work" across the globe, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have produced a report calling for better labor relations to make economic growth "more inclusive" and pressure employers to provide for fair working conditions.

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