Business & Human Rights

  • EU Members Split on Shipping-Emissions Policy

    May 18, 2018

    An article in Politico highlights the division among EU member states regarding the bloc's negotiating position at an upcoming summit of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee designed to rein in greenhouse gas emissions from the global shipping industry.

  • UN Group Calls for BHR Implementation in Thailand

    May 18, 2018

    Following an official visit to Thailand, the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (BHR) issued a statement calling on the country's government to perform BHR and environmental impact assessments for infrastructure projects and to do more to bolster judicial and non-judicial redress for alleged BHR violations.

  • EU Tax Plan Aims for "Fair" Global Tax System

    May 18, 2018

    French politician Eva Joly and Sorley McCaughey of the nongovernmental organization Christian Aid assert that long-term plans outlined by the European Commission to tax digital companies based on where their economic activity takes place will help establish a "fair" tax system where more revenue is available for low-income countries and for "social equity" programs.

  • US Judge Rejects Exxon Lawsuit Against State AGs

    May 18, 2018

    The New York Times reports that a federal judge in New York has rejected a lawsuit by energy giant Exxon seeking to limit investigations pursued by a group of state attorneys general regarding Exxon's knowledge of its contributions to global warming on the ground that the state officials were pursuing the investigation in bad faith.

  • Australia Plans Corporate Reporting on Supply-Chain Labor

    May 16, 2018

    The Guardian reports that the Australian government has announced a plan to require over 3,000 large companies in the country to publicly report on an annual basis how they are addressing the risks of forced labor in their global supply chains, sparking criticism from rights activists calling for the establishment of an independent anti-slavery commissioner.

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