Business & Human Rights

  • Spectator Australia: Australia’s corporate Surveillance State

    June 22, 2022

    In Australia it was recently discovered by consumer group Choice that multiple corporations including Kmart and Bunnings Warehouse refer to facial recognition in their privacy policies and may have been using facial recognition technology,  ‘capturing the biometric data of their customers’.

  • New Index Grades 50 of the Largest U.S. Companies on their Support for First Amendment Rights

    June 14, 2022

    The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and Inspire Insight, a Christian financial analytics firm have quantified companies restriction of their employees’ freedoms of speech and religion by launching the 2022 Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index,  ranking 50 of the largest U.S. companies according to whether their policies and actions supported or undermined Americans’ First Amendment rights.

  • Rafi Cites For-Profit UN-ESG Consulting Firms to explain why Sustainability is Crucial for Corporate Strategy

    June 14, 2022

    Global Consultant Talal Rafi writing for the World Economic Forum explains how sustainability is crucial for corporation strategy if they want to remain relevant, citing for profit UN-ESG (Economic, Social, Governance) consulting firms as examples.

  • Bloomberg: SEC Proposals for ESG Ignore 80 Years of Financial Science

    June 08, 2022

    Former managing director and head of financial market research at AQR Capital Management Aaron Brown argues that the US Securities and Exchange Commission is right to be concerned about « greenwashing » of investments with environmental, social and governance considerations but is ignoring 80 years of financial science which will lead to ineffective solutions.

  • Brookings compares U.S. and EU UN-ESG Disclosure Regimes

    June 08, 2022

    Addisu Lashitew writing for the Brookings Institute explores how Environment, Social and Governance disclosure regimes differ between the United States and the European Union.

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