Business & Human Rights

  • Berlin Summit Seeks Rights-Focused Corporate Governance

    April 20, 2018

    Joanna Radeke and Tammi Coles examine how business and nongovernmental organization representatives at a recent summit in Berlin identified as a "significant corporate blind spot" the idea among business leaders that they do not have responsibility, beyond legal obligations, for human rights violations in their complex, transnational supply chains.

  • NGOs Seek EU Government Support for BHR Treaty

    April 20, 2018

    Representatives of two nongovernmental organizations call on European governments to support the process of the UN Working Group on the development of a UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) in forming a legally binding instrument requiring governments to ensure companies perform BHR due diligence and provide access to justice for alleged BHR violations.

  • Article Seeks Rights-Oriented Reform of NetzDG

    April 20, 2018

    Ben Wagner of the Centre for the Internet and Human Rights argues that the German legislators should reform the so-called NetzDG law, which fines social media companies that fail to remove "hate speech" from their platforms, by placing more responsibility for content removal in the hands of independent regulators and setting standards for public reporting of hate-speech removal.

  • EU Council Seeks Global Investment Court

    April 19, 2018

    The European Council has approved a mandate for the European Commission to negotiate the creation of a "multilateral investment court" that would replace the current ad hoc investor-state arbitration provisions in trade agreements with a permanent, global court with binding decisions.

  • PSU Joins UN Sustainable Buildings Initiative

    April 19, 2018

    Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has announced its participation in the UN's Global Building Network, a collection of professional organizations and research institutions that will develop global standards on how to construct buildings that comply with the broad social and environmental targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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