Business & Human Rights

  • Civil Society Coalition Criticizes Business Tax Principles

    February 28, 2018

    A press release from the Tax Justice Network illustrates the risks businesses face in embracing activist calls for "fair" global corporate taxation policies, criticizing as "desperately disappointing" a report on corporate taxes produced by leaders of the "B Team" business initiative for lacking ambition toward consistent standards in corporate tax reporting.

  • IACHR Recognizes Right to Healthy Environment

    February 21, 2018

    The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) has issued an advisory opinion that, for the first time, recognizes a fundamental right to a healthy environment, aiding nongovernmental organizations pursuing lawsuits in the Americas seeking to force government action against businesses for contributing to global warming.

  • NGOs Seek Ejection of Energy Companies from EITI Board

    February 15, 2018

    A group of nongovernmental organizations have called on the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a program pushing oil, gas, and mining companies to disclose their payments to governments, to eject energy companies ExxonMobil and Chevron from the EITI board for not publicly reporting tax payments they made in the US.

  • GRI Praises Broad EU Corporate Reporting Mandates

    February 15, 2018

    A press release from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) praises EU member states that have gone further than required in implementing the EU's non-financial corporate reporting directive by mandating that all or nearly all companies, regardless of size, issue public reports on their environmental and human rights impacts.

  • Activists Criticize Marathon Agreement on Rights Impacts

    February 15, 2018

    Inside Climate News reports that climate and human rights activist NGOs are criticizing as "superficial" an agreement the Marathon Petroleum Corporation, one of the stakeholders in the Dakota Access Pipeline, signed with shareholders committing to public reporting on its human rights impacts but stating that governments are ultimately responsible for protecting such rights.

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