Business & Human Rights

  • UNGC Pushes for Corporate Ambition on "Impact Assessments"

    January 09, 2018

    A year-end statement from the Executive Director of UN Global Compact (UNGC) Lise Kingo reviews the UNGC's efforts in pressuring businesses to comply with the global human rights agenda and calls on companies to step up their performance of human rights impact assessments to ensure they are protecting rights "across the full spectrum of business activities."

  • OECD Pressures Canada on Action Against Fossil Fuels

    January 09, 2018

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has issued an Environmental Performance Review for Canada that pushes the country's government to increase taxes on fossil fuel use and coordinate "carbon pricing" systems to impose higher costs on energy companies that fail to comply with the global agenda against climate change.

  • NGO Publishes Guide on "Socially Responsible" IT Procurement

    January 09, 2018

    The nongovernmental organization Green Electronics Council has produced global guidance for public and private institutions on procuring information technology (IT) products "from companies that are improving the social responsibility of their supply chains," including by forcing suppliers to implement the global labor and human rights agenda in their production processes.

  • Corporate Initiative Counters Climate Lawsuits

    January 09, 2018

    The Washington Examiner reports that the National Association of Manufacturers has announced a new legal initiative, called the Manufacturers' Accountability Project, through which it will counter litigation from activist groups and government officials pushing a broad new theory of "public nuisance" to sue manufacturers for their alleged contributions to global warming.

  • California Community Sues Companies over Weather Events

    January 08, 2018

    The City and County of Santa Cruz, California, have filed lawsuits in a California court seeking compensation from 29 energy companies for damages caused by a rise in sea level, "more frequent and severe wildfires, drought, and extreme precipitation events" allegedly caused by these companies through their contributions to global warming.

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