Business & Human Rights

  • Bank Group Explores BHR Due Diligence Duties

    January 08, 2018

    The Thun Group of Banks has published guidance advising banks, "in the context of business relationships with clients," to conduct "due diligence" to determine risks of human rights violations as part of the framework of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR) and, in some cases, to use leverage to push clients to refrain from human rights impacts.

  • Observer Calls for Independent Australian NCP

    January 05, 2018

    Business and human rights (BHR) adviser Alex Newton has published a report arguing that the Australia is failing to fulfill its international obligations to the BHR agenda through its National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and calling on the government to enhance the NCP's independence.

  • GRI Touts 2017 Progress on "Sustainability" Standards

    January 05, 2018

    In a year-end review, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) explained its introduction of corporate reporting standards on the UN's "sustainable development" agenda to companies around the world and previewed its launch in 2018 of new "sustainability" standards on water, occupational health and safety, and corporate taxation.

  • Development Banks Commit to "Mainstream" Climate Agenda

    January 05, 2018

    Members of the International Development Finance Club and the multilateral development banks - including the World Bank and International Monetary Fund - have issued a statement committing these institutions to "mainstreaming the sustainable development and climate agendas across all sectors" and to redirecting finance toward projects supporting the UN's Paris climate agreement.

  • World Bank Makes New Repayment in Climate Bond Scheme

    January 05, 2018

    The World Bank reports on the impact of its Pilot Auction Facility following its second repayment of bonds issued under the scheme that seeks to incentivize investment by businesses in climate-friendly projects by providing a minimum price for carbon-emission credits.

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