Business & Human Rights

  • Article: BHR Due Diligence Must Consider Broad "Impacts"

    January 02, 2018

    David Birchall, a Fellow of the Business and Human Rights Journal, writes on the need for corporations to include in their business and human rights (BHR) due-diligence assessments human rights "impacts," such as tax avoidance and high pricing of important products, that do not reach the level of a "violation" of international human rights law.

  • NGO Seeks Funding for Community-Led BHR Mechanisms

    January 02, 2018

    Irit Tamir of Oxfam America calls on national governments to provide funding to local communities to participate in existing corporate "grievance mechanisms" or establish their own processes to investigate corporate actions that allegedly violate the business and human rights (BHR) agenda in these communities.

  • Commentator: Consider Mental Health in BHR Remedies

    January 02, 2018

    Jo Reyes of the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights calls for companies to perform a comprehensive assessment of the need to include mental-health considerations in their business and human rights (BHR) remedial mechanisms.

  • UN Group Warns of Lack of Independence of NCPs

    January 02, 2018

    A November blog post from the UN Working Group on business and human rights (BHR) issues calls on states to look to the provisions of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR in reforming their National Contact Points (NCPs) of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to ensure these NCPs are independent and provide effective remedies for alleged BHR violations.

  • Lawyers Praise French BHR "Vigilance" Penalties

    January 02, 2018

    Stéphane Brabant and Elsa Savourey of the law firm Herbert Smith Freehills write that, while the elements of a French law creating a civil action for alleged victims of business and human rights (BHR) violations by French companies remain relatively weak, its penalties on companies for failing to monitor BHR violations of their subsidiaries could serve as an effective deterrent.

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