Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Seeks Corporate Grievance Mechanisms on Land Claims

    December 28, 2017

    Lukasz Czerwinski of the nongovernmental organization Landesa writes on his NGO's promotion of the concept that, in order to maintain a "social license" to operate in poor countries, businesses must consult with local communities on the development of an effective grievance mechanism to deal with allegations of land grabbing.

  • NGO: Tech Companies Have Duty to Combat Online Abuse

    December 28, 2017

    Amnesty International recently published a study characterizing online abuse of women as a human rights issue and asserting that social media companies and governments have a responsibility to take appropriate action to combat the "advocacy of hatred" online.

  • Facebook Faces Criticism over Alleged Rights Abuse

    December 27, 2017

    An article in The Atlantic laments that international and national courts generally have no basis to try the tech giant Facebook and other social media platforms for complicity in human rights violations for the views and propaganda shared by their users to further mass atrocities in countries like Myanmar.

  • Unions Back Initiative for Corporate Codes of Conduct

    December 21, 2017

    The Guardian highlights a new labor-union initiative launched in New York in November called the Worker-Driven Social Responsibility Network that aims to force companies to agree with workers in their supply chains to codes of conduct providing for enforceable standards on labor rights and conditions.

  • NGO Supports Dutch Banks' Commitments to Remedy

    December 21, 2017

    In a recent blog post, Ryan Brightwell of the nongovernmental organization BankTrack praises a new initiative called the Dutch banking sector agreement on human rights that he says will place pressure on the finance sector to commit to setting up remedial mechanisms for alleged victims of rights violations related to projects they finance.

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