Business & Human Rights

  • UNGC Pushes Companies to Adopt, Fund SDGs

    December 07, 2017

    At the recent UN Global Compact (UNGC) Leaders Summit, held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in September, the UNGC released publications guiding companies on how to embed the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in all of their operations and how to publicly report on their SDG efforts.

  • Forum Examines Proliferation of "Hard" BHR Law

    December 06, 2017

    An analysis of the recent UN Forum on Business and Human Rights (BHR) in Geneva by two Hogan Lovells attorneys indicates that the proceedings emphasized the "hardening" of previously soft-law BHR responsibilities for corporations and considered the risk that "human rights impact assessments" could heighten the risks of corporate legal liability.

  • NGOs Seek Broad Australian Labor Reporting Law

    December 06, 2017

    A coalition of nongovernmental organizations recently contributed to a public consultation on an Australian proposal for a corporate reporting requirement on forced labor, calling for a broad requirement for businesses to report on their efforts to rid their supply chains of "modern slavery" and file these reports in a publicly accessible database.

  • EU Council Calls for Scaling up "Climate Finance"

    December 06, 2017

    The Council of the EU recently adopted a set of conclusions supporting global efforts "to enhance the ability of the financial system to mobilise finance for low-emission and climate-resilient development" as part of the global agenda against climate change and pushing for the private sector to play a substantial role in providing "climate finance."

  • UN Observer Seeks Rights Analysis of Swiss Tax Reform

    December 05, 2017

    An October statement from UN Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky pushed Swiss authorities to perform "social and human rights impact assessments" to ensure that proposed provisions of a corporate tax reform package do not violate the social and economic rights of Swiss and other citizens by reducing tax payments.

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