Business & Human Rights

  • UN Agent Pushes BHR Agenda at World Bank

    October 18, 2017

    In line with the push by the UN human rights apparatus for the wide-ranging business and human rights (BHR) agenda, UN Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas has called on the World Bank to amend its constitution to ensure that it only pursues the financing of projects that advance human rights, protect the environment, and promote "the equitable distribution of wealth."

  • EC Develops Uniform Standards on Employment Contracts

    October 18, 2017

    The European Commission (EC) has announced its participation in discussions with trade unions and employers as it develops uniform standards under its European Pillar of Social Rights aimed at "modernizing" and harmonizing rules governing employment contracts across the EU.

  • NGO Calls for Stricter Execution Device Regulation

    October 18, 2017

    As part of a campaign whose ultimate aim is to eliminate the death penalty around the world, the nongovernmental organization Amnesty International has called for international “standards and instruments” to regulate the trade of devices used for both torture and capital punishment.

  • NGO Condemns Bank Services in West Bank

    October 18, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch has released a report criticizing Israeli banks for providing services to Israelis in the West Bank as a violation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

  • UN Seeks to Redirect Global Capital Toward SDGs

    October 18, 2017

    At the annual UN Private Sector Forum, UN and business leaders discussed ways to fundamentally reform the global financial system to drive “massive new investments” toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via a “new principle-based approach” to global finance.

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