Business & Human Rights

  • Analysis Warns of Need for Massive Carbon Tax

    October 17, 2017

    The Guardian reports that a recent analysis from fund management group Schroders warns investors that governments must slash corporate profits around the world by at least $1.5 trillion through the taxation of greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the goals of the UN's Paris climate agreement.

  • Bank Seeks Asian "Green Finance" Mechanism

    October 17, 2017

    The transnational Asian Development Bank has called for the establishment of a multilateral Green Finance Catalyzing Facility for the Asia-Pacific region to redirect funds from capital markets toward infrastructure financing that helps achieve the goals of the "sustainable development" agenda.

  • Companies Adopt Financing Tools for Climate Agenda

    October 17, 2017

    Erin Hiatt of the Retail Industry Leaders Association illustrates how some of the world's largest retailers, under pressure by activists and international organizations to implement the global "sustainability" agenda, are establishing climate and energy financing mechanisms such as "green bonds" and "internal carbon funds."

  • Stakeholders Struggle to Define "Climate Finance"

    October 16, 2017

    Nathan Rive of the Asian Development Bank highlights how governments and international institutions working with the Green Climate Fund are struggling to disentangle "climate finance," aiming to reduce the impacts of global warming, and ordinary development finance, producing problems involving the long-term accountability in private and public development funding.

  • Israel, US Threaten Retaliation over UNHRC "Blacklist"

    October 16, 2017

    The Times of Israel reports that Israeli and US officials have warned that the UN Human Rights Council's (UNHRC) publication of a database of companies operating in Israeli settlements could trigger cuts in UN funding by both countries and the withdrawal of the US from the UNHRC.

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