Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Criticizes "Voluntary" Australian Reporting Proposal

    October 16, 2017

    Komala Ramachandra of Human Rights Watch criticizes an Australian proposal for legislation requiring reporting by businesses on forced labor in their supply chains as insufficient, asserting that the law must include penalties for noncompliance, require "due diligence" on eliminating labor rights violations, and allow those who allege such violations access to Australian courts.

  • Oxfam: US Corporate Tax Legislation Threatens Rights

    October 11, 2017

    An article published by Oxfam America asserts that American businesses have an ethical responsibility to object to a US congressional tax reform proposal over concerns that its reduction of tax obligations on US businesses will affect the economic and social human rights of "millions" of people around the world.

  • Commentary: US Should Quit UNHRC over "Blacklist"

    October 11, 2017

    Benjamin Weinthal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies writes that the US and other "morally-principled countries" should withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) if the body proceeds with publishing a database of all companies doing business in Israeli settlements, asserting that the database is part of a global, anti-Semitic boycott movement.

  • Lawyer: Create Global Approach to Labor Reporting

    October 11, 2017

    Amy Sinclair of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre writes that, rather than perpetuate an "international mishmash of misaligned laws" requiring corporate "due diligence" and reporting on forced labor in supply chains, governments, including Australia, must adopt a "consistent global approach" to mandating business reporting on these issues.

  • BHR Panel Seeks More Targeted Push on Rights

    October 06, 2017

    At a recent UN Global Compact Network meeting in Singapore, a sustainability consultant and business leaders agreed that social and environmental activists would best serve their agendas by abandoning their push for the broad concept of "human rights" in corporate operations in favor of narrower concepts such as "gender, race, inclusiveness and equality."

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