Business & Human Rights

  • Poland Produces BHR Action Plan

    September 18, 2017

    The Polish Government has published a National Action Plan on implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR), considering current elements of Polish law that support BHR and "corporate social responsibility" and describing potential further measures to protect individuals from BHR violations.

  • Heineken Settles Dutch NCP Labor Rights Complaint

    September 15, 2017

    A post from nongovernmental organization OECD Watch illustrates how a complaint filed with the Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises over alleged labor rights violations by a Heineken subsidiary in the Democratic Republic of Congo resulted in a Heineken payout of €1.1 million to the complainants.

  • NGO Creates Tool on Harms Caused by Hydropower

    September 15, 2017

    Highlighting the complications faced by energy companies seeking to comply with the global climate change agenda by shifting from fossil fuel projects to hydro-electric power, a nongovernmental organization has produced an online "Hydrocalculator" tool assessing the social and environmental costs of large hydropower projects around the world.

  • Lawyers Explain Proposal for Global BHR Arbitration

    September 15, 2017

    A group of lawyers labeling itself the Working Group on International Arbitration of Business and Human Rights has produced a "question and answer" document explaining their proposal for a global arbitration system that would adjudicate disputes involving alleged violations by multinational corporations of the business and human rights (BHR) agenda.

  • NGO Pushes for “Environmental Justice” in Global South

    September 14, 2017

    The Colombian nongovernmental organization Dejusticia has released a compilation of stories on environmental controversies in the Global South as part of its effort to help environmental activists more effectively influence global public opinion on business and human rights through storytelling.

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