Business & Human Rights

  • Index Points to European Forced Labor Risks

    September 14, 2017

    According to the consultancy Verisk Maplecroft's latest "Modern Slavery Index," a report that ranks countries around the world on their exposure to risks related to forced labor, companies are facing heightened risks of contributing to forced labor through their supply chains in the UK, Germany, and other European countries due to the region's migration crisis.

  • Report: BHR Treaty Must Expand Corporate Liability

    September 13, 2017

    In a recent report, Daniel Blackburn of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights outlines several ways in which a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR) could promote global liability of corporations for alleged BHR violations, including by requiring them to adopt extensive "due diligence" procedures.

  • Lawyers Predict Expanding Climate Litigation

    September 06, 2017

    The website Climate Home reports that, following the destruction in Houston caused by Hurricane Harvey, environmental lawyers are warning that businesses will in the future face an expanding number of lawsuits over their contributions to such weather events through carbon emissions and their failure to adapt to the hazards of climate change.

  • Australia Pitches Corporate Labor Reporting Law

    September 01, 2017

    The Age reports that the Australian government is preparing legislation that will request that large businesses release annual "Modern Slavery Statements," to be placed in a publicly accessible database, explaining efforts they are taking to eliminate forced labor across their global supply chains.

  • EU Explores "Fairness" of Food Supply Chain

    September 01, 2017

    The European Commission has launched a public consultation to determine measures the EU might take to make its food supply chain "fairer," referring to data showing that the value of the chain is not "adequately distributed" between small farmers and their commercial partners.

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