Business & Human Rights

  • GRI Promotes "Sustainability" Reporting in India

    August 29, 2017

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) outlines the recent activities of its regional hub in South Asia promoting public reporting by Indian companies on corporate social responsibility efforts and contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals using GRI's global standards on "sustainability" reporting.

  • Paper Seeks Bolstered EU Action Against "Land Grabs"

    August 29, 2017

    In a paper commissioned by a European Parliament subcommittee, academics and nongovernmental organization researchers examine the participation of European corporations in "land grabbing" outside the EU and call on EU institutions to prevent such practices through human rights impact assessments and expanding remedies available to alleged victims.

  • NGOs Criticize Mexican BHR Action Plan

    August 29, 2017

    In a letter to the UN Working Group on business and human rights (BHR) issues, a coalition of nongovernmental organizations calling itself the Civil Society Focal Group on BHR in Mexico announced that it is refusing to endorse Mexico's National Program on BHR because it fails to meet several activist demands, including on corporate "due diligence" and access to remedy.

  • NGO Blasts Company over Refugee Processing Centers

    August 29, 2017

    A press release from Amnesty International criticizes infrastructure company Ferrovial for the operation by its subsidiary company of refugee processing centers on Nauru and Manus Islands, where Australia has sent asylum seekers arriving in its territory by boat, arguing that the company has been "complicit" in a migration system that amounts to "torture."

  • Spain Establishes BHR Action Plan

    August 29, 2017

    The Spanish Council of Ministers has announced its approval of a National Action Plan on the country's implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR) that establishes a "Monitoring Committee" assessing government efforts to carry out BHR-related measures.

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