Business & Human Rights

  • Gregersen: Impact of Schrems II

    January 05, 2022

    Carsten Rhod Gregersen writing for dives into the explaination and consequences of Schrems II, a legal case concerning Facebook’s transfer of personal data from Europe to the United States violating the GDRP.

  • Moyo: 10 ESG Questions Companies Need to Answer

    January 04, 2022

    Dambisa Moyo writing in the Harvard Business Review highlights 10 questions he believes every company should address when implementing an ESG strategy as corporations move from financial shareholder primacy to broader stakeholder capitalism.

  • The Netherlands to Introduce Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation

    December 29, 2021

    Following a recent trend in Europe and despite delays on the publication of human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) legislation at an EU level, the Netherlands announced its own plans to introduce mandatory HREDD legislation at a national level.

  • EFAMA Sets New ESG Rules the U.S. and U.K. Hedge Funds Selling in EU

    December 27, 2021

    The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), Europe’s main investment management association has declared that U.S. and U.K. hedge funds will need to meet a higher ESG reporting bar if they want to continue selling to clients in the EU.

  • U.S. Regulator Proposes Climate Risk Guidance for Banks

    December 22, 2021

    The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has proposed draft supervisory guidance for large U.S. banks to integrate climate financial risk assessments into every aspect of their work including from how climate change affects board room governance, to the banks ability to service poorer communities.

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