Business & Human Rights

  • US Communities Sue "Carbon Majors" over Sea Level

    August 08, 2017

    Two coastal California counties and one California city have sued a group of oil, gas, and coal producers, claiming that these “carbon majors” conspired for decades to hide the negative environmental effects of fossil fuels and should be required to pay “for the current and future costs of adapting to sea level rises linked to climate change.”

  • Research Warns of Chinese Foreign Coal Investment

    August 07, 2017

    Researcher Feng Hao warns that, despite the country's diplomatic noises in favor of embedding the UN's "sustainable development" agenda in its Belt and Road Initiative, China's companies are heavily invested in coal projects in countries that are involved in the massive Eurasian infrastructure project.

  • NGOs Call out Insurers on Links to Coal

    August 07, 2017

    A briefing from a coalition of environmental activist organizations calls on insurance companies around the world to help fulfill global targets on limiting climate change by refusing to insure companies that generate a large proportion of their revenues from coal production.

  • WHO Links Tobacco with Environmental Degradation

    August 07, 2017

    Showing the UN agency's focus on eliminating tobacco production and promoting the global environmental agenda, a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) asserts that tobacco waste contains "over 7,000 toxic chemicals that poison the environment" and calls for an increase in tobacco taxes to reduce health and environmental risks.

  • Steel CEOs Warn of Impacts of EU Emissions Shift

    August 07, 2017

    Reuters reports that a letter from CEOs of 76 steel-producing companies to officials of EU institutions and member states warns that sharp changes to the bloc's Emissions Trading System after the year 2020 will increase steel imports and lead to widespread closure of steel factories in Europe.

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