Business & Human Rights

  • UN Report Finds Increasing Climate Litigation

    August 07, 2017

    The UN Environmental Programme and Columbia Law School have issued a report finding a "proliferation" of lawsuits around the world attempting to persuade judges to force governments and businesses to take action against global warming and recognize the resettlement rights of so-called "climate refugees" fleeing the impacts of the phenomenon.

  • Commission Sets Standards on Global Carbon Tax

    August 07, 2017

    The World Bank has praised recommendations of the economist-led High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices regarding the level of carbon taxation necessary in the coming decades to divert investments away from fossil fuels and toward "climate-friendly" projects to fulfill the targets of the UN's 2015 Paris deal on climate change.

  • WHO Works Toward "Fair Pricing" of Medicines

    August 07, 2017

    In an interview with Intellectual Property Watch, Marie-Paule Kieny of the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the UN agency's work in gathering stakeholders to agree on the global "fair price" of medicines and discussed the upcoming WHO publication of a database on the production costs of "essential medicines" to promote pricing transparency.

  • ICRC Seeks Private Finance for Humanitarian Aid

    August 07, 2017

    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Peter Maurer writes that the ICRC's launch of the first "humanitarian impact bond" must be the beginning of a "paradigmatic shift" in which financial institutions around the world invest private financing in humanitarian aid.

  • Venezuelan Legislator Criticizes Bond Purchase

    August 07, 2017

    An article on PanAm Post reports on a letter sent from Venezuelan National Assembly President Julio Borges to Goldman Sachs expressing "outrage" at the financial company's deal with the country's President Nicolás Maduro to buy $2.8 billion of bonds in Venezuela's state oil company, arguing that the move violates Goldman Sachs' human rights policies.

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