Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Push Garment Supply Chain Transparency

    July 14, 2017

    A group of nongovernmental organizations has published a report calling on businesses in the garment and footwear industries to publicly disclose comprehensive information regarding their suppliers, which would permit civil society groups to place greater pressure on companies to call out alleged labor rights violations in their supply chains.

  • Letter Calls on EU to Enforce BHR "Due Diligence"

    July 14, 2017

    An open letter to the European Commission posted on the website of the Business & Human Rights (BHR) Resource Centre calls for the EU to develop a supranational enforcement mechanism requiring businesses in the garment sector to perform "due diligence" regarding human rights impacts in their supply chains in line with the UN Guiding Principles on BHR.

  • Shell CEO Calls for Transparency on Climate Risk

    July 14, 2017

    Showing the growing acceptance of the "climate disclosure" movement among energy companies, the CEO of Dutch oil giant Shell has stated that such companies should be more transparent about internal climate change risk assessments and how future government regulations cutting carbon emissions could jeopardize their oil and gas investments.

  • EU Creates Committee to Encourage "Green" Securities

    July 14, 2017

    The EU has established a Green Securities Steering Committee to promote the nascent market for “green debt” in Europe by establishing standards, setting favorable regulations, and encouraging supply and demand for environmentally friendly investments to help reach "EU climate objectives and green infrastructure goals."

  • NGOs Criticize Funding for "Extreme Fossil Fuels"

    July 14, 2017

    A group of environmental organizations has released a report warning that bank funding of "extreme fossil fuel" projects, such as coal mining and “dirty oil” extraction, will push greenhouse gas emissions beyond what is required under the obligations of the Paris Climate Accord.

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