Business & Human Rights

  • Dutch Official: Companies Must Push Countries on BHR

    July 13, 2017

    In a recent speech, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen touted her government's expansive commitments to furthering the global BHR agenda in its trade policy and called on businesses to go beyond their own supply chains in pushing foreign governments to bolster their BHR policies.

  • US Pulls Back from Extractive Disclosure Rules

    July 13, 2017

    Zorka Milin of the nongovernmental organization Global Witness reviews the decisions by the Trump Administration and allies in Congress to pull back from rules requiring the reporting of payments to governments made by oil, gas, and mining companies.

  • NGO Seeks End to Pervasive Corporate BHR "Impunity"

    July 13, 2017

    In its effort to spur on national and international policy reforms to strengthen the enforcement of the global business and human rights (BHR) agenda, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has issued its latest Corporate Legal Accountability Annual Briefing, spotlighting what it perceives to be the "impunity" of businesses that avoid accountability for BHR violations.

  • UN Creates Bank Framework for Climate Reporting

    July 12, 2017

    Spurred on by recent recommendations of a G20 task force charged with examining the need for climate change-related disclosures by financial institutions, the UN Environment Programme and 11 major banks have announced a partnership toward assessing and reporting on climate risks in their portfolios.

  • G20 Taskforce Pressures Companies to Disclose Climate Risk

    July 12, 2017

    The Group of 20 (G20) Financial Stability Board’s taskforce on climate-related financial disclosures has released a report calling on large corporations and investment firms to comply with extensive disclosure guidelines on “climate risk,” or face potential backlash from investors and ratings agencies.

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