Business & Human Rights

  • French Court Approves Law on Corporate "Vigilance" Plans

    June 19, 2017

    An article by Charles Dauthier and Sabine Smith-Vidal of Morgan Lewis describes the provisions of a French law that recently entered into force following review by the country's Constitutional Court imposing liability on French companies that fail to develop a proper "vigilance" plan to investigate their impacts on human rights and the environment.

  • US Agency Halts "Due Diligence" Rule on Minerals

    June 15, 2017

    According to Reuters, Acting Chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Mike Piwowar has announced that, during a court-mandated review of a rule requiring reporting on "conflict minerals" from Africa, the SEC would not require businesses to perform "due diligence" on their use of such minerals in support of such reporting.

  • OECD Furthers Global Governance of Tax Policies

    June 14, 2017

    As part of global efforts to use corporate resources to fund the realization of "economic, social, and cultural human rights" by governments around the world, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is celebrating the widespread signing of a treaty that restricts cross-border corporate tax maneuvering.

  • UN Group Pushes Canada on BHR Progress

    June 07, 2017

    Following an official visit to Canada, the UN Working Group on business and human rights (BHR) issues called for the country's government to do more to implement the UN Guiding Principles on BHR, including by performing BHR "impact assessments" and protecting indigenous peoples from the "exploitation of natural resources."

  • Scotland Promises BHR "Due Diligence" on Trade Deals

    June 06, 2017

    Amnesty International has welcomed the Scottish government's recent pledge to perform "human rights due diligence" to determine the rights impacts of all future trade agreements with foreign countries and corporations, in line with the demands of the global business and human rights (BHR) agenda.

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