Business & Human Rights

  • ILO Workers: Governments Should Protect Rights in ‘Gig Economy’

    April 19, 2017

    Janine Berg and Valerio De Stefano of the UN’s International Labour Organisation have argued that traditional government labour protections should be applied to workers who obtain platform-based work such as that found via mobile phone apps like Uber.

  • NGO: Governments Should Assist Foreign Nationals in BHR Cases

    April 19, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Business and Human Rights Resource Centre has published an article calling on governments to assist foreign nationals seeking to sue transnational companies for alleged business and human rights (BHR) violations.

  • FRA Issues Opinion on Potential EU BHR Policies

    April 12, 2017

    At the request of the EU Council, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) issued an official Opinion on how the EU can coordinate policy between member states on business and human rights issues in order to improve victims’ access to remedies.

  • UK Parliament Committee Recommends Enforceable BHR Penalties

    April 12, 2017

    The UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights has released a report on the country’s progress in achieving Business and Human Rights (BHR) goals, concluding that companies and affiliated parent companies should be required to “prevent human rights abuses” or face substantial penalties.

  • New Climate Report Urges Massive Carbon Cuts by 2020

    April 12, 2017

    Global climate initiative Mission 2020 has released a report arguing that nations must implement drastic reductions in carbon emissions, including requiring all new transportation in major cities to be “zero-carbon” by 2020, to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for climate change.

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