Business & Human Rights

  • Kenya Heeds UN Pressure on Plastic Policy

    April 03, 2017

    The UN Environment Programme has announced that, in support of the agency's "war on plastic" campaign, the Government of Kenya has launched "a ban on the use, manufacture and import on all plastic bags" to prevent environmental damage in the country and help fulfill the UN's environmental and ocean governance agenda.

  • Germany Plans G20 Push for Global Carbon Tax

    April 03, 2017

    The BBC reports that Germany's director general of energy policy Thorsten Herdan has indicated his government will use its term as president of the Group of 20 countries (G20) to push members to establish a transnational carbon "price," which would amount to a global tax on the corporate use of fossil fuels.

  • UNDP: Reform IP Rights to Promote "Sustainability"

    April 03, 2017

    IP Watch reports that the UN Development Programme's (UNDP) Human Development Report 2016 calls for reforms of the international trade and intellectual property (IP) systems to ensure the better diffusion of technologies and to contribute to the fulfillment of the UN's comprehensive "sustainable development" agenda.

  • HRW Seeks Completion of UN Israeli Settlements Database

    April 03, 2017

    A press release from the nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) puts pressure on the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to complete and publish a database that would facilitate a global boycott of companies engaged in operations in settlements of territories that HRW asserts are "occupied" by Israel.

  • UNGC Releases “Women’s Empowerment” Tool

    April 03, 2017

    The UN Global Compact (UNGC) recently unveiled the Women’s Empowerment Principles “Gender Gap Analysis Tool,” an online resource designed to help business leaders improve “gender equality and women’s empowerment” at the workplace and in the markets they serve.

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