Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Praises Progress of Binding BHR Treaty

    March 30, 2017

    The coalition Friends of the Earth International has outlined the presentation of a report from the intergovernmental working group tasked with developing a binding UN business and human rights (BHR) treaty and has praised the progress of the BHR treaty effort, which it predicts will culminate in an instrument requiring global protection of "human rights defenders."

  • FIFA Human Rights Board Holds First Meeting

    March 30, 2017

    After its first meeting in Switzerland, the International Federation of Association Football's (FIFA) Human Rights Advisory Board, made up of representatives from the UN, unions, nongovernmental organizations, and businesses, issued a statement indicating how it plans to place pressure on FIFA to fulfill the global business and human rights agenda.

  • IBA Launches BHR Handbook, Training for Lawyers

    March 30, 2017

    The International Bar Association (IBA) has announced that it will publish an online handbook on implementing the business and human rights (BHR) agenda in the legal profession and a training program through which it will teach attorneys how to advise businesses to prevent BHR violations in their operations.

  • Study Supports Nonjudicial BHR Resolution Mechanisms

    March 30, 2017

    A recent study from a team at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights advocates for the use of "extrajudicial complaint mechanisms" such as mediation, rather than lawsuits, to bring corporations to the table in efforts by activists and alleged victims of human rights violations to encourage the implementation of the global business and human rights (BHR) agenda.

  • Benchmark Aims for Expanded BHR Disclosure

    March 30, 2017

    John Morrison of the Institute for Human Rights and Business, which contributed to the establishment of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark to rank companies on their efforts to implement the business and human rights (BHR) agenda, illustrates how the initiative seeks to pressure businesses to expand their reporting practices on BHR and sustainability.

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