Business & Human Rights

  • Companies Tout Contributions to SDGs

    February 27, 2017

    The "business intelligence" entity Ethical Corporation has produced a publication containing interviews with representatives of various multinational corporations on how they have implemented provisions of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a comprehensive list of targets for the social and environmental agenda, in their global operations.

  • NGOs Seek Enhanced Consultations with AIIB

    February 27, 2017

    A coalition of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) has published a letter to the head of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's (AIIB) compliance office seeking substantial reforms to the AIIB's consultation process on accountability procedures to permit more NGO input on these procedures in line with the global business and human rights agenda.

  • EU Ministers Agree to Clamp-down on Corporate Tax

    February 24, 2017

    The Washington Post reports that, as part of the EU institutions' campaign for "fairer taxation" of multinational corporations, and in an attempt to buoy government tax revenues, EU finance ministers have agreed on Europe-wide legislation to prevent businesses from using diverging tax rates between EU countries and countries outside the bloc to reduce their tax bills.

  • Academic Explores US "Corporate Citizenship" Policies

    February 24, 2017

    An article by Mark Anthony Camilleri of the University of Malta catalogs US regulations and policies on "corporate citizenship" and describes how the US and nongovernmental organizations "are pushing forward the social responsibility, environmental sustainability as well as the responsible corporate governance agenda" in America.

  • US Group Pushes Market-Friendly Carbon Tax

    February 24, 2017

    Demonstrating the extensive reach of proposals to achieve the global climate change agenda, a senior conservative group in the US, led by former Secretary of State James Baker, is meeting with White House officials to propose a tax on greenhouse gas emissions as part of a strategy to combat global warming through market-oriented measures.

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