Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Criticize AIIB Disclosure Policy

    February 03, 2017

    Two nongovernmental organizations have warned that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) must follow the example of its Western counterparts in improving its public disclosure regime to provide information on its compliance with the global business and human rights and environmental agendas.

  • Bank Group Explores BHR Responsibility

    February 01, 2017

    A discussion paper from a group of bank representatives promoting application of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR), called the Thun Group, considers the point at which banks become "directly linked" to BHR violations and calls on them to develop due diligence procedures to prevent and deal with these situations.

  • NGOs Ramp up Pressure on Supply Chain Reporting

    February 01, 2017

    Patricia Carrier and Joe Bardwell of the Business & Human Rights (BHR) Resource Centre signal how nongovernmental organizations are scrutinizing legally mandated public reporting by UK businesses on forced labor in their complex supply chains and assert that this UK disclosure regime is part of a global wave of corporate BHR reporting requirements.

  • EU Financial Scrutiny Rules Face Privacy Concerns

    February 01, 2017

    Politico reports that the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee has delayed a vote on proposed EU legislation seeking to discourage tax avoidance by requiring public reporting of the ownership of trusts, based on concerns regarding the right to privacy of the trust owners.

  • UN Chief: Companies Must Help Fulfill Climate Agenda

    January 30, 2017

    In remarks to the 2017 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on businesses to play their "absolutely essential role" in partnering with governments and international organizations in helping to fulfill the UN's climate change and "sustainable development" agendas.

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