Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Calls for More Climate Pressure on Suppliers

    January 30, 2017

    Reuters reports that the nongovernmental organization CDP has released a study asserting that more businesses must take action pressuring companies within their supply chains on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to achieve global goals on combating climate change.

  • Governments Consider "Green Bonds" to Fulfill Global Pledges

    January 27, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that governments are increasingly exploring the use of "green bonds," touted by UN officials and environmental activists as useful instruments to move investments from fossil fuels to "clean" energy projects, to help fulfill their commitments under the UN climate deal agreed in Paris in 2015.

  • UNEP Signs NY Fund to "Decarbonization" Program

    January 27, 2017

    The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced that the New York State Common Retirement Fund, the third-largest pension fund in the US, is joining UNEP's Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition, a group of institutional investors that have pledged to gradually transfer a substantial portion of their investments to climate-friendly assets.

  • WTO Members Facilitate "Compulsory" Drug Licensing

    January 27, 2017

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) has announced the entry into force of an amendment to its rules on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) allowing governments to issue "compulsory licenses" permitting manufacturers of generic drugs to produce drugs at low prices for export to poor countries without the consent of the original drug developer.

  • Global Bodies Develop Tool for Corporate Tax Regimes

    January 27, 2017

    The Platform for Collaboration on Tax, an initiative formed by a group of international financial institutions and the UN, is seeking public comments on its "draft toolkit" guiding poor countries to clamp down on "aggressive" corporate tax planning by developing mechanisms to scrutinize "transfer pricing" as set by corporations.

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