Business & Human Rights

  • Companies Launch Investor Tool on Climate Action

    January 25, 2017

    AP reports that a group of financial companies has launched at the London Stock Exchange an online tool called the Transition Pathway Initiative to permit investors to scrutinize the actions companies have taken to prepare for measures aimed at combating global warming.

  • G20 Creates Platform to Push "Green" Investments

    January 25, 2017

    In partnership with the intergovernmental organization Global Green Growth Institute, the G20 group of countries has announced that it will move ahead with its GreenInvest platform to encourage "inclusive green investments" among financial institutions and to help drive financial regulations that incentivize funding of the UN's climate change agenda.

  • World Bank Pushes "Green Finance" Through Auction

    January 25, 2017

    Using taxpayer funding from Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and the US, the World Bank has completed its third "climate auction" - called the Pilot Auction Facility for Methane and Climate Change Mitigation - offering a guaranteed price for credits to companies that invest in projects to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

  • WEF Meeting Pressures Businesses on Global Warming

    January 24, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that the 2017 World Economic Forum (WEF) gathering in Davos devoted 24 of its sessions to global warming and clean energy, in the WEF's most expansive focus yet on pushing businesses to adopt and implement the climate change agenda of the UN and environmental activists.

  • WEF Signs Plastics Companies to Action Plan

    January 24, 2017

    The World Economic Forum has highlighted how international and nongovernmental organizations seek to make binding policy changes out of business pledges by signing more than 40 leaders from plastic companies to a New Plastics Economy initiative setting out a "global action plan" on expanding recycling practices.

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