Business & Human Rights

  • UNGC Outlines SDG Action Plan in 2017

    January 24, 2017

    In an annual letter to business participants in the UN Global Compact (UNGC) network, UNGC Executive Director Lise Kingo explains how her organization will work in 2017 to push businesses to fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and announces that UNGC will begin collecting mandatory contributions from businesses in its network in 2018.

  • OECD Calls for Government Pressure on Drug Pricing

    January 24, 2017

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released a report calling on governments use law and regulations to "rebalance" the negotiating powers of drug consumers and manufacturers to force drug companies to lower the prices of high-cost products.

  • G20 Panel Calls for Link Between Climate, Executive Pay

    January 24, 2017

    According to a report from the G20 group of countries' Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures led by former New York Mayor and climate activist Michael Bloomberg, energy companies should adopt policies informing shareholders how they are linking executive and board member pay to the management of climate change risks facing their industry.

  • NGO Seeks Ramped-up Corporate Tax to End Poverty

    January 23, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has published a report calling for broad efforts, including through global governance, to redistribute the revenues of corporations to reduce poverty and to ensure that "the proceeds of business activity" go to "society, workers, and local communities."

  • Tech Group Protests Data Gathering on Migrants

    January 23, 2017

    The Verge reports that a group called the Tech Workers Coalition is participating in a campaign protesting the involvement of the software company Palantir Technologies in gathering and analyzing data on migrants in the US for federal authorities, voicing special concern about future Trump Administration policies toward illegal migrants.

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