Business & Human Rights

  • Switzerland Produces BHR Action Plan

    January 02, 2017

    The Swiss Federal Council has published a national action plan for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (BHR), including provisions such as the promotion of the BHR agenda abroad and increasing avenues through which alleged victims of BHR violations by Swiss companies can seek remedies.

  • NGO Guides Tour Operators on Human Rights Impacts

    January 02, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism has produced a guide for product and communications managers of tourism companies on how to perform due diligence in assessing potential human rights impacts of their operations in "fragile" local environments.

  • UN Expands Gender Certification Scheme to Jamaica

    January 02, 2017

    The UN Development Programme is seeking to expand its Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme to the Caribbean by asking Jamaican businesses to sign on to a pledge to reduce "gender gaps" in their operations.

  • Companies Push for Insurance Based on Climate Projections

    December 30, 2016

    A report from a coalition of 29 insurance companies, called ClimateWise, calls on insurers to close what they say is a growing gap between the current value of property insurance and the projected cost of catastrophic impacts of climate change and pushes governments to do more to combat the effects of global warming.

  • Activists Seek Outlets for BHR Principles in China

    December 30, 2016

    Qian Cheng writes that, given the country's general acceptance of "corporate social responsibility" standards and prioritization of economic and social rights over civil and political rights, activists may have more success in pressuring Chinese state-owned enterprises than private companies on adopting the business and human rights (BHR) agenda.

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