Business & Human Rights

  • EU Promotes Investment in "Green Bond" Market

    December 14, 2016

    As the EU begins efforts to divert investment funds toward achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, the European Commission outlines how it plans to promote "green bonds" - dedicated to providing finance to climate-friendly development projects - through the EU's planned "Capital Markets Union" and a High Level Expert Group on "sustainable finance."

  • UN Summit Concludes with Broad Biodiversity Pledge

    December 13, 2016

    A recent UN summit in Mexico included a meeting of business representatives who promised to take into account biodiversity issues in their policies and ended in the adoption by more than 190 governments of the "Cancun Declaration," pledging to integrate biodiversity considerations in their "forests, fisheries, tourism and agriculture sectors."

  • UN Center Reviews Push for Business Action on SDGs

    December 13, 2016

    Meeting in Istanbul, the UN Development Programme's International Center for Private Sector in Development reviewed its recent work in pushing businesses around the world to scale up funding in support of the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • OECD Report Pushes "Tax Mobilisation" in Asia

    December 13, 2016

    A report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) examining the proportion of tax revenue to economic activity in Southeast Asian countries finds that "scope remains for increased tax mobilisation" from corporations in the region.

  • OECD Instrument Closes Tax Treaty "Loopholes"

    December 13, 2016

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has announced the conclusion of negotiations over a global convention that will transpose the OECD's corporate tax avoidance measures into over 2,000 tax treaties to prevent the shifting of corporate profits to low-tax jurisdictions.

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