Business & Human Rights

  • Business Group Outlines Expanding Action on UNGPs

    December 07, 2016

    A report from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development praises business implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights since their adoption by the UN Human Rights Council five years ago and analyzes trends toward BHR reporting and contributions toward the UN's "sustainable development" agenda.

  • UN Pushes Businesses on "Climate Neutrality"

    December 07, 2016

    At the recent UN climate summit in Marrakesh, Morocco, officials of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change announced the merger of two initiatives that will pressure companies to achieve "climate neutrality" by reducing and offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions and spotlight climate-friendly corporate activities.

  • NGOs Release "Foundational Guide" on BHR Agenda

    December 07, 2016

    Three nongovernmental organizations, with support from the Dutch Government, have produced a "foundational guide" based on interviews with corporate representatives and business and human rights (BHR) "stakeholders on how corporations should implement the BHR agenda in their operations.

  • Microsoft Pledges End to Greenhouse Gas Impacts

    December 07, 2016

    In a new publication, technology giant Microsoft highlights how it is responding to pressure from activists and international organizations on reducing its climate impacts by pledging to go "beyond carbon neutral" by working toward a world in which there are no greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.

  • NGO Pressures Companies on Water Management

    December 07, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Carbon Disclosure Project has produced a report pushing businesses around the world to use water more efficiently to reduce the impacts of global warming and spotlighting 24 companies that it has placed on the "Water A List" for their water practices.

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