Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Criticize Energy Companies' Climate Fund

    November 11, 2016

    The Guardian reports that a group of nongovernmental organizations are criticizing as "a drop in the ocean" a $1 billion fund recently launched by ten large energy companies that will seek to prevent natural gas leaks and capture carbon emissions in order to limit the impacts of global warming.

  • BHR Treaty Group Targets 2017 Talks on Final Content

    November 11, 2016

    In its report of the final day of the second negotiating session for a binding UN business and human rights (BHR) treaty, the European Coalition for Corporate Justice relates that the Working Group charged with developing the treaty held a discussion on mandatory remedies for BHR violations and targeted 2017 for talks on the final content of the treaty.

  • NGOs Call for Canadian Ombudsman on Mining Impacts

    November 11, 2016

    The nongovernmental organizations Inter Pares and the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability have published an article calling for the establishment of an ombudsman in Canada who would monitor and impose mandatory penalties on Canadian mining companies for their alleged violations of the global business and human rights agenda.

  • Professor Calls for Reporting Mandates in BHR Treaty

    November 10, 2016

    Following the conclusion of the second session of the Working Group charged with developing a binding UN business and human rights treaty, Professor Erika George of the University of Utah College of Law writes that a key component of such a treaty must be the global harmonization of corporate BHR reporting standards.

  • IACHR Finds No Rights for Corporations

    November 10, 2016

    An article published by the nongovernmental organization Due Process of Law Foundation describes a recent advisory opinion from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights finding that corporations are not entitled to rights under the Court's enabling document, thus facilitating increased regulation of corporate entities under the business and human rights agenda.

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