Business & Human Rights

  • EU Joins BHR Treaty Meeting amid NGO Pressure

    November 01, 2016

    The nongovernmental organizations Friends of the Earth Europe and the European Coalition for Corporate Justice have published an article touting their role in pressuring the EU to participate in an upcoming UN summit in Geneva on the development of a binding business and human rights treaty.

  • UN Agent Warns of Rights Impacts of Junk Food

    October 31, 2016

    AP reports that the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Hilal Elver, has warned that governments are failing to implement global nutrition standards and ignoring the "right to adequate food" by permitting companies to distribute inexpensive, low-nutrition foods to poor people.

  • NGOs Call for UNHRC Pressure on South Africa Mining

    October 31, 2016

    A group of nongovernmental organizations have urged the UN Human Rights Council, as part of its 2017 Universal Periodic Review of South Africa, to pressure the country to impose expansive restrictions on mining activity within its territory to address the industry's social and environmental impacts in line with the UN's business and human rights agenda.

  • NGOs Seek EU Advancement of BHR Agenda

    October 31, 2016

    Representatives from a set of European nongovernmental organizations have published an article calling on the European Commission to impose legal obligations on companies throughout the EU to respect human rights and to require member states to grant alleged victims remedies for corporate violations of the global business and human rights agenda.

  • Academic Details French BHR Reporting Efforts

    October 31, 2016

    At a conference on business and human rights in Seville, Spain, Dr. Nadia Bernaz of the Middlesex University School of Law describes evolving efforts by French politicians to impose requirements on businesses in the country to report their efforts to reduce their human rights and environmental impacts in line with the global BHR agenda.

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