Business & Human Rights

  • Article Highlights Tension Between BHR, "Sustainability" Agendas

    October 26, 2016

    The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment has published an article highlighting potential friction between the UN's sustainability and business and human rights agendas, calling for the adherence by governments and businesses to global standards on the land rights of local communities when completing renewable energy projects.

  • NGO Rates Energy Companies' Climate Policies

    October 26, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Union of Concerned Scientists has published a "Climate Accountability Scorecard" ranking climate-related policies of eight large energy companies it accuses of contributing to "disinformation" on the subject of global warming and calling on them to include climate risks in their communications to investors.

  • UN Agent Seeks Strengthening of Global Labor Rights

    October 26, 2016

    Asserting that "labour rights are human rights," the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, has criticized countries for prioritizing trade deals and economic growth over collective bargaining policies, resulting in a "dramatic increase in the power of large multinational corporations" relative to workers.

  • NGO Pushes EU Involvement in BHR Treaty Talks

    October 26, 2016

    Aisha Dodwell of the nongovernmental organization Global Justice Now writes that the EU must participate in UN talks to create a binding international treaty that would force countries to implement the global business and human rights agenda and hold business leaders personally liable for their companies' BHR impacts.

  • NGOs Sue to Hamper Energy Extraction in Colombia

    October 25, 2016

    Claudia Strambo writes that, as part of their growing litigation strategy to combat climate change by limiting the energy industry's extraction of fossil fuels, nongovernmental organizations are filing lawsuits in Colombia against coal, oil, and gas companies on behalf of communities complaining of the effects of extraction projects on their human rights.

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