Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Seeks More Business Action on "Sustainability"

    October 24, 2016

    Pointing to data provided by its global business network in its 2016 State of Sustainable Business, the nongovernmental organization Business for Social Responsibility has called for companies to step up their efforts in fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to broaden their work in reducing "sustainability" risks in their supply chains.

  • Swiss NGOs Call for BHR Constitutional Amendment

    October 24, 2016

    A coalition of Swiss nongovernmental organizations report that they have gathered 120,000 signatures in favor of their Swiss Responsible Business Initiative, which proposes a constitutional amendment requiring Swiss companies to investigate their human rights and environmental impacts in line with the UN's business and human rights agenda.

  • NGOs Seek End to "Corporate Impunity" in Europe

    October 20, 2016

    An alliance of nongovernmental organizations called the Citizen Forum for Corporate Social Responsibility has documented the actions of EU member states, EU institutions, and the Council of Europe on implementing a corporate "duty of care" on business and human rights issues and encourages more action to end "corporate impunity" in Europe.

  • Paper Blames Tax Avoidance for Women's Rights Violations

    October 20, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era has published a paper arguing that corporate tax avoidance makes it more difficult for countries to promote policies "to reduce gender gaps and to fulfill women's human rights" and calling for a global review of tax policies to reduce such discrimination.

  • NGO Calls on UK to Include BHR Principles in Trade Deals

    October 20, 2016

    Lorenzo Cotula of the International Institute of Environment and Development writes that, in its post-Brexit trade negotiations, the UK should ensure that any trade agreements setting up tribunals to rule on investment disputes include provisions requiring these tribunals to consider business and human rights principles in their decisions.

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