Business & Human Rights

  • Countries Face Pressure on Airline Emissions Scheme

    July 27, 2016

    Lobby group Airlines for Europe is calling for governments that are a part of the International Civil Aviation Organization to agree to a global mechanism that would offset growing carbon emissions from the airline industry in order to counter the impacts of climate change.

  • UNCTAD Promotes "Balanced" Approach to IP

    July 27, 2016

    IP Watch reports that a draft mandate agreement on upcoming work by the UN Conference on Trade and Development approved at a recent meeting in Nairobi calls for a "balanced" approach to promoting intellectual property rights and development and focuses on fulfilling the UN's "sustainable development" agenda.

  • OECD Highlights Progress on Global Tax Standards

    July 27, 2016

    With the latest reports from the organization's Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, the OECD has reviewed practices from 101 jurisdictions and claims progress in preventing corporate tax avoidance through the implementation of its global standards on the exchange of tax information.

  • NGO Report Encourages Expansive Climate Litigation

    July 27, 2016

    A report published by the Climate Justice Programme in Australia predicts a massive expansion in global litigation over the contribution by fossil fuel companies to climate change in the coming years and calls for the removal of restrictions in "international climate law" to global warming-related litigation.

  • NGOs Condemn Company for Migrant Detention

    July 27, 2016

    Two nongovernmental organizations have published a report calling for investors in global services and infrastructure operator Ferrovial to end their relationship with what they deem to be the company's abuses of the UN's business and human rights agenda through its operation of offshore detention centers for migrants attempting to reach Australia.

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