Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Pressures Germany on Access to BHR Remedies

    July 13, 2016

    Arguing that Germany has a "poor legal framework" that fails to permit alleged overseas victims of human rights violations to sue German corporations, Philipp Wesche of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs calls on German officials to increase access to such remedies in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

  • Article Pushes Japanese Business on "Sustainability"

    July 13, 2016

    Ashleigh Owens of EY Japan Climate Change and Sustainability Services writes that Japanese businesses must form partnerships to follow a variety of global environmental and human rights standards and to ensure that their supply chains comply with the international "sustainable development" agenda in order to succeed in the future global economy.

  • Lawsuit Filed in US Signals Supply-Chain Clampdown

    July 13, 2016

    Signaling expanding laws in the US and other countries pushing companies to police their often-complex, global supply chains to ensure the absence of business and human rights violations, villagers from Cambodia have filed a civil lawsuit in federal court in California against two US companies for contributing to forced labor in a Thai seafood factory.

  • US Issues Rule on Disclosure of Government Payments

    July 12, 2016

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission has issued a rule, as mandated under the Dodd-Frank financial services reform legislation, requiring companies engaged in oil, gas, and mineral development activities to report the amount of any payments they make to US and foreign governments.

  • Companies Sign on to UN Initiative on Emissions Reduction

    July 12, 2016

    As the UN and NGOs ramp up pressure on corporations to help implement the UN climate deal and Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact has announced that 168 companies have made commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the UNGC's Science Based Targets Initiative.

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