Business & Human Rights

  • NYT: World Bank Must Add Rights Safeguards

    July 11, 2016

    A New York Times editorial calls on the World Bank to adopt expansive new regulations that require officials at the financial institution to examine the human rights and environmental impacts of their support for development projects around the world.

  • UNHRC Resolution Pushes BHR Accountability

    July 06, 2016

    The UN Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution calling on governments to review and lower legal barriers preventing alleged victims from seeking a remedy from corporations for violations of global business and human rights standards.

  • NGO Pushes UN Clampdown on Aviation Emissions

    July 01, 2016

    Katherine Watts of Carbon Market Watch writes that the UN's International Civil Aviation Organization must provide for stricter limits on greenhouse gas emissions from the airline industry in order to permit countries to reach their emissions targets under the UN climate deal agreed in Paris last year.

  • UN Report Targets Brazil on BHR

    July 01, 2016

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights issues recently presented a report to the UN Human Rights Council warning of problems in Brazil on BHR issues, including "improper corporate lobbying and political financing," and calling for the country to develop a national BHR action plan.

  • UN Agent Prepares Corporate Digital Standards

    July 01, 2016

    UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, has announced his development of human rights standards for businesses in the digital age, including demands from governments to regulate and censor content and growing calls to delete "hate speech" from social media platforms.

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