Business & Human Rights

  • UNGPs Move from "Soft" to "Hard" Law

    June 30, 2016

    Consultant Anna Triponel highlights how the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are shifting from "soft" international norms to "hard" domestic law by advising companies to interpret the reach of the UK Modern Slavery Act in their supply chains according to the provisions of the UNGPs.

  • NGO Calls for UK Universal Tax Reporting

    June 30, 2016

    Christian Aid has called on the British Parliament to adopt a law pressuring multinational companies to provide more funding to countries in which they operate by requiring these businesses to report their financial information on a country-by-country basis.

  • "Toolkit" Advises Businesses on Security, Human Rights

    June 30, 2016

    The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the International Committee of the Red Cross have introduced a "toolkit" advising businesses "operating in complex environments" how to develop security measures that comply with the international human rights agenda.

  • Dutch Council Seeks Robust SDG Policies

    June 30, 2016

    The Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs has called on the Netherlands to ramp up support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in business operations by building a more robust regulatory regime and working with international organizations to bind corporations to SDG commitments.

  • UN Agent Seeks Favorable Ruling on Hedge Fund Law

    June 29, 2016

    UN Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, has called on the Belgian Constitutional Court to uphold the main portions of a law that restricts the amount of sovereign debt hedge funds can collect in Belgium's court system.

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