Business & Human Rights

  • Alphabet Pressured from Shareholders on Human Rights

    June 07, 2021

    Google's parent company Alphabet faced several complaints at its annual meeting from shareholders who attacked the tech giant over its lack of efforts combating misinformation, establishing whistleblower protections and human rights.

  • G7 Deal Targets Tax Havens and Tech Giants

    June 07, 2021

    During a two day meeting in London, G7 finance ministers reached a landmark deal to obtain more money from multinational companies such as Amazon and Google, including a minimum global corporate tax rate of at least 15%.

  • Shell Ordered to Deepen Carbon Cuts in Landmark Dutch Climate Case

    June 02, 2021

    A Dutch court ordered Royal Dutch Shell to reduce its planet warming carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels in a landmark ruling that could trigger legal action against energy companies around the world, forcing them to increase investments in renewables and away from fossil fuel.

  • CNCA Delivers Blueprint for International Corporate Accountability Law in Canada

    June 02, 2021

    In an effort to provide lawmakers with a blueprint for writing corporate duty to respect human rights and the environment into Canadian law, the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) released a draft model legislation that if passed, would require Canadian companies to prevent human rights and environmental harm throughout their global operations and supply chains.

  • Greek, Latin no Longer Required for Classics Majors at Princeton in the name of Equity

    June 02, 2021

    In an effort to create a more inclusive, equitable program and combat « systemic racism », Classics majors at Princeton University will no longer be required to learn Greek or Latin.

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