Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Push Climate Action Through "Citizen Suits"

    May 19, 2016

    The New York Times highlights a global trend of environmental NGOs filing lawsuits on behalf of young people alleging that governments must act to limit further contributions from energy and other companies to climate change.

  • NGO Calls for States to Tighten Compliance with OECD Rules

    May 19, 2016

    Marking the upcoming 40th anniversary of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the nongovernmental organization OECD Watch has called for governments to strengthen their national contact points, which seek to resolve complaints against businesses under the Guidelines, by sanctioning companies that refuse to participate.

  • UN Rights Chief Seeks More Access to BHR Remedies

    May 18, 2016

    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein has issued a report calling on governments to provide greater access to judicial remedies for alleged victims of violations of the UN's business and human rights agenda in corporate operations and global supply chains.

  • NGOs Call for BHR Treaty to Prevent "Corporate Capture"

    May 18, 2016

    A Treaty Alliance of nongovernmental organizations devoted to the adoption of a binding global treaty on the business and human rights has called for such a treaty to contain provisions preventing "corporate capture" of government through interference in the lawmaking and implementation process.

  • NGO Sets out Options for BHR Redress

    May 18, 2016

    The International Federation for Human Rights has published an updated guide setting out ways in which alleged victims of violations of the UN's business and human rights agenda can seek remedies and calling on governments to grant effective BHR redress to complainants.

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