Business & Human Rights

  • S&P Threatens Bank Credit Downgrades for Climate Inaction

    May 13, 2016

    Website Climate Home reports that credit rating agency S&P has threatened to lower its rating of banks that fail to take into account the risks of climate change in their funding of fossil fuel and energy projects.

  • Norway Wealth Fund Pushes Energy Companies on Reporting

    May 13, 2016

    Reuters reports that the world's largest sovereign wealth fund Norges Bank has announced that it will vote for shareholder resolutions that would require oil and gas companies ExxonMobil and Chevron to publicly report how they are managing the risks of global warming to their operations.

  • EU Publishes List of Non-compliant Corporate Carbon Emitters

    May 13, 2016

    The website Carbon Pulse reports that the European Commission has published a list of companies that it says did not comply with the EU's emissions trading system by failing to surrender sufficient carbon emission "offsets" to account for their greenhouse gas emissions last year.

  • WEF Report Calls for Social, Environmental Construction Reforms

    May 12, 2016

    The World Economic Forum has issued a report calling for a "transformation" of the global construction industry, including through the adoption of climate-friendly and "socially responsible" standards.

  • NGOs Seek Comprehensive EU Action on BHR Agenda

    May 12, 2016

    A group of NGOs has called on members of the EU Foreign Affairs Council to seek to "address gaps" in the EU's implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by imposing strict due diligence requirements on companies, offering more effective remedies to alleged BHR victims, and cooperating in the development of a binding BHR treaty.

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