Business & Human Rights

  • CoE Official Outlines Work on BHR Agenda

    April 11, 2016

    The Council of Europe's ("CoE") Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, has published an outline of the work the CoE has done to promote the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda in Europe, including by publishing a recent recommendation on BHR implementation and pushing for BHR national action plans in individual countries.

  • EU Commissioner Seeks Corporate Tax Clampdown

    April 11, 2016

    European Commissioner for taxation Pierre Moscovici has elaborated the Commission's plans for halting corporate tax avoidance, including by imposing entry and exit taxes for the shifting of corporate earnings to low-tax countries, country-by-country reporting of financial figures, and an exchange of tax information by EU member states.

  • US Forces Exxon Vote on Climate Resolution

    April 11, 2016

    Reuters reports that, rejecting the energy company's claims that it already provides sufficient disclosure on its greenhouse gas emissions, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has denied Exxon's request to keep a resolution that would require full disclosure of the risks of climate change to the company from a shareholder vote.

  • ISO Publishes Standard on Environmental Statements

    April 11, 2016

    The International Organization for Standardization ("ISO") has published a new edition of a standard, aimed in part at pushing for more environmentally friendly production techniques, that seeks to standardize statements on product labels containing assertions on the product's environmental impact.

  • China Tightens Rules on Impact Assessments

    April 08, 2016

    As the UN and activists ramp up pressure on governments and businesses to perform comprehensive environmental and human rights impact assessments before undertaking projects, China's Ministry of Environmental Protection has announced more stringent guidelines on enforcing environmental impact assessment requirements.

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